Wednesday, 17 August 2016

5 Facts On Technology Today

As much as we don't want to admit it, the below statement may actually become true.

With the increase of intelligent humans on the planet, our technology is ever-changing and growing much faster than it has ever been. I have consolidated 5 facts about technology today that was interesting to me from various sites. Hope you'll enjoy!

#1 Fact
If the Internet is down, work is over for today.
I have worked in places where the internet goes down, due to the ISP eg: Singtel, Starhub etc, and the work basically stops. We have no internet to send emails, no internet to receive emails, no internet to surf the web for research purposes. Basically everything stops. I had a friend who was made to go home at 2pm and OT the following day to pay back the time lost... This shows how much businesses actually depend on the internet for business to run.

Let's put businesses aside, even for us. We need the internet for our whatsapp, facebook, snapchat, instagram, pokemon go.... If internet is down... that's the end. 

Something like the below.... (i also experienced this when I travelled alllll the way to vivo to hunt for pokemon...)

#2 Fact
Without your phone, you feel naked and helpless
This is for me. I CANNOT live without my phone. Even if my phone is dead for 30 minutes, I feel so uncomfortable...  I need my phone for my emails, my communication during work and after work. I need my phone for my social platforms, reading up the news, browsing thru the web. Now with Pokemon Go, I can't help it but not be in the app when i'm walking. 

Short walk to the convenience store with le bf
" Faster turn on pokemon! "
" Why? Got pokemon here? "
" No la, we walking leh. Make your walking worth it! "

Omg. I can't. And i know it's bad. I'm just waiting for this pokemongo hype to die down. 

#3 Fact
Your data is all over the world
So you upload your personal info, hp numbers, photos onto Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.. 
All these are data and where are they? Where do facebook store all our photos? Will they ever disappear? Will my data be in the wrong person hands? 

Well, all these platforms spend millions and billions of dollars to keep your data safeguarded in the servers they rent/own. The major four companies are Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM, having more than half of the world's data in their data centers. 

Your data may not be stored in Singapore or the country you are in. It's actually all over the world. However, if your data is in another country, it is unclear who has access to it, be it the law enforcement or the network providers who pulls your data to you.

"The data of your Gmail account is absolutely on more than one server. It's absolutely in more than one country," says Prof Svantesson.

#4 Fact
Social Media? A hackers' favorite target
Well we are on Facebook also EVERYDAY. We are very likely to click on links that our friends share with us, which is what hackers use to their advantage. Below are some of the things they'll do.

1. Like-Jacking
The hackers post fake facebook "like" buttons to webpages you go. Users who clicks the "don't like the page", you have just initiated the download of the malware.

2. Link-Jacking
The hackers uses a one website link to redirect you to another website that is malware infested that hides drive-by downloads and other virus. You may see "" but when you click that link, you are redirected to ""

3. Phishing

I actually see this alot myself. The hackers attempts to get some sensitive information like username, password, credit card details $$ by disguising itself to look like a trustworthy site like facebook/twitter.

Always be careful and wary guys!

#5 Fact
Virtual Reality is used in various industries
I've tried on a VR once at Bugis+ for a $10 ride. It was simulating a roller coaster ride with the use of the VR and seat movements. 

VR can be used in many different industries, say medical students who are trainees can make use of VR to practice on surgery. VR can be a more interactive learning experience for younger kids for field trip to the moon, or world landmarks, anything is possible. The gaming industries would be one of the biggest hit in terms of VR. 

To end this off, all I can say it that we are very different from our previous generation.